Franchising Opportunities

Payroll Matters® Franchising Opportunities

Begin with this question. If you, as a business owner, found a payroll service that answered all of your needs and was priced competitively, wouldn't you hire this company?

And now, imagine how many other businesses might do the same, and you begin to see why franchising, when done properSly, is an excellent way to grow a business.

One question that potential franchisees sometimes ask is, "Why should I buy a franchise? Why can't I just go out and start my own business?"

Many people do. However, consider this estimate from the US Commerce Department. Only 25% to 35% of independent, small businesses succeed in the long run, as compared to franchises, where the success ratio is closer to 95%. What accounts for the difference?

For one thing, a franchise is a "duplicate" of an already successful business and should have a much higher chance of success. The real value is what you gain from the experience, "know how" and operating plan supplied by the franchisor.

Franchising provides you with a series of benefits that might take years to develop independently. Consider the "value added" advantages of name brand recognition, and a network of support. Consider the advantage of avoiding the costly trial and error period that causes so many problems for start up businesses.

Each year more than $800 billion in goods and services are sold through franchises in the United States. There are over 550,000 individual franchise outlets nationally. Each working day, a new franchise opens every five minutes. 35% of all retail goods and services are sold through franchises, and more than 300 different types of industries and businesses are franchising.

You could be a part of this growth story, as a part of our Payroll Matters® franchise team!

Services for Franchisees
Initial Investment Estimates
Commonly Asked Questions
The Bottom Line
Outside Payroll Service Benefits
Checks and Balances
From the Beginning
Division of Labor
Why Should I Buy a Franchise?
Franchise Application